Success Stories

  • IFBB Pro Lisa Lutz

    "I started my bodybuilding journey over 10 years ago and set a goal to earn my IFBB Pro card in the figure division.

    After hiring and working with several professional trainers, I became tired of cookie cutter workouts and eating a restricted diet of rice, asparagus, tilapia for years. The training wasn’t engaging and the restricted menu caused me to derail from my plans more times than I wanted.

    I found Emilija @IronDiamond on Facebook and was inspired by her physique and her posts that exhibited her strength as a woman both physically and mentally (any woman who lifts heavy weights and  rides motorcycles is a badass in my book).

    Her training style is superior to anyone I’ve trained with. She keeps the  workouts challenging and changes them up regularly based on the client’s goals. She closely guides my macros as my body and goals change. She’s approachable, encouraging and always responds to messages quickly.

    After only 6 months training with her, she had dialed me in and I earned two first place awards in my warm up show. I  then went on to Nationals and earned my Procard in two divisions and overall titles in both of those!

    I have been her client for over 2 years and will continue to work with her even though I’m not currently competing. She holds me accountable and guides me to help me live the heathy lifestyle I want!"

  • Mindi Gill

    First things first, Emilija is an absolute Game-changer. I came across her services through a friend, who works with Emilija and gave a glowing review. 

    After reaching out to Emilija seven months ago, I knew very quickly that I wanted her to be my Coach. Given her extensive educational background it was clear she knew her stuff and I would be in good hands. I had competed for my first show back in 2019, Figure Division; then COVD-19 and life happened and I fell off track bigtime, gained a ton of weight and developed a really bad relationship with food. I felt quite defeated but I knew I needed to turn things around. 

    The nutritional plans have been amazing, I have never felt deprived  or that I am missing out on any food. I eat like a Queen everyday! To have seen the results I have, still blows my mind. Throughout my journey with Emilija, I came across some health challenges that came about as a result of my weight gain, previously sedentary lifestyle and poor food choices. I shared this information with Emilija as I was concerned about not meeting my weekly goals and failing. Emilija was very understanding and not only did she provide information that resulted in a major health breakthrough for me (a condition that may have gone undiagnosed otherwise) she also made regular adjustments to my nutrition and training plan so that I could still achieve my weekly goal and still make progress. 

    The sheer volume of information she throws your way is mind-blowing, her passion for continuous education means that I also learn from Emilija. If I ever have any questions, I know I can reach out to her and know that not only will I get answers but she goes the extra mile, ensuring you are equipped with knowledge and confidence to succeed.  

    My goal is to compete again and I have never been so excited to see what the future holds. I know if anyone can help me bring an amazing package to the stage, Emilija can. Seeing her own dedication towards competing in the world famous bodybuilding show, The Olympia, I feel very fortunate to be under her expert guidance.   

    What truly stands out is her unyielding commitment to her clients. I can honestly say that I have found a Coach who is genuinely invested in my success. So, if you are on the lookout for a high-energy, knowledge-packed, and exceptional bodybuilding experience, Emilija is your person! Dive in, give it your all, and I promise, with her by your side, you are in for the time of your life. 

    Cheers to the gains, the fun and the journey. Emilija, you truly are one of a kind! 

  • Crystal Ghashghaee

    "I never thought I would compete again, as I struggled with hormonal issues and a damaged metabolism etc. Working with Emilija has been such a life changer, she has provided me the tools to love my body again from the inside out. I was able to step on stage with such a positive mindset and now we are prepping for the next show! I could not ask for a better coach, Emilija is so driven and her knowledge/passion for the sport truly make her stand out. No cookie cutter b.s. everthing was tailored to my specific needs. I highly recommend Emilija she truly knows her stuff!"

  • Don Norton

    ​Working with Emilija has improved my physical health, wellness, mental acuity, and focus. I've gained self-assurance and increased my energy in all aspects of my life.

    Her expertise, guidance, and encouragement have enabled me to surpass my expectations and have helped me realize my potential as a busy single dad.

    Thank you for your invaluable guidance and support, which will have a lasting impact.

  • Amanda Dunlevy

    "Since working with Emilija, I have nothing but positive feedback. When I first contacted her, I had reverse dieted very poorly from my last figure competition, developed some unhealthy eating habits, and put on a lot of extra weight. I was pretty depressed and very disappointed in myself and knew I needed someone to help me get back on track. 

    Emilija has been so supportive and encouraging, she helped me get back on track with my training and nutrition, her workouts are well written, tailored specifically to my goals and she switches them up regularly to keep it interesting.  She encourages me to push myself and celebrate the victories with me. 

    Anytime I have questions, she is fast to reply and thorough in her answers.  Her knowledge as a kinesiologist has also been a huge help as I am working through a couple of minor injuries, she is able to make suggestions to help these heal and prevent me from causing any extra pain or discomfort.

    I am very happy to have found her and am excited to see where our working together will bring me for future competitions."

  • Lea Castillo

    "I hired Emilija as a coach for my first ever fitness competition. This was a bucket list goal that I’ve had for a very long time and I couldn’t be happier with the results I got with her. She made the whole process enjoyable while making sure that I understood the science behind the prep. I learned so much from her!

    Her professionalism throughout my prep was second to none and when I felt discourage or down on myself, I knew she was a call or message away. She coaches with passion, knowledge and a genuine desire to see her clients excel and succeed. I placed 2nd in bikini and 3rd in wellness and gained so much confidence in myself. I truly feel like I owe a lot of that to her."

  • IFBB Pro Arbe Myhre

    "Emilija is great to work with. She manages my nutrition and workouts and adjusts regularly to help meet my goals. I train with her in person where her knowledge allows for adjustments to maximize workouts and minimize potential injury. She’s always positive and encouraging."

  • Elyse Rondeau

    "I have nothing but amazing things to say about Emilija. She was my coach and became my closest friend throughout our journey together. She coached me for my very first competition and continued to coach me for the next two as well. With Emilija’s guidance I placed in all three of my shows. Emilija devoted a lot of her time and energy to me, showing tremendous patience and compassion. She pushed me when I thought I couldn't go any further, and any time I had self-doubt she lifted me up so I could continue my fitness journey. Anytime I had a question she had the answer. She taught me everything I know and fed me an abundance of knowledge. Because of her I brought my best package to the stage every time I competed. Her talent for coaching and personal training is unbelievable. She's always all in and has nothing but the best intentions in mind for you.  I think that's something that's hard to find these days. She loves what she does and her passion for watching her clients grow and evolve speaks volumes."

  • Diane Marin

    "Emilija is a great online coach that I’ve been with for almost a year now. Being coached by her is very straight forward which I find very important especially as a beginner. She has a great personality, is incredibly knowledgeable and understanding. I always feel confident with the plans she creates for me and am confident that she will always provide the proper guidance to achieve desired results.

    One thing that sticks out about Emilija, is her absolute passion for bodybuilding, coaching and an overall healthy lifestyle. It is so noticeable and inspiring to me as her client, and I am happy to be a part of it. I believe that she truly loves the job and wants to help others achieve their fitness goals which is key to an amazing coach.

    Emilija is always available for questions and provides answers with great clarity. She makes me feel like I am never alone, which is great as I am way up in Yellowknife in the middle of nowhere. During my hardest time when I felt like giving up, she was the one to pull me up and encourage me, she said exactly what I needed to hear and to keep trying my best. As a beginner, the small victories were always celebrated, and she taught me in small increments to make sure I wasn’t overwhelmed, and I feel that I learnt at a great pace.

    Whenever I have self-doubt, Emilija clears it up right away and helps me replace negative thinking with the positive. No question goes unanswered and I have learnt so much from her, and I know I will continue to learn. She is the main reason why I fell in love with this sport, and I am proud to say she is my coach and will help me every step of the way. I am looking forward to what we will be able to achieve this year and I highly recommend Emilija if you are looking for a very knowledgeable, fun and straight forward coach."

  • Cheryl Hutchinson

    "My Road to Emilija began after I had a minor knee surgery which turned into a septic staph infection, I nearly lost my leg, but instead ended up with a total knee replacement on February 14, 2022.

    My goal had been to do my last competition at age 60 after rehabbing my knee for six months, and after talking with my doctor, I decided I wanted to try and achieve my goal.  I contacted Emilija and asked her if she would be willing to take me on as a client. I told her of my limitations with my knee, she saw the shape I was in by the pictures I sent her, and I told her I wanted to compete in the Leigh Brandt classic March 25 of 2023.

    We discussed everything and began prepping October 1, 2022. I think Emilija is probably the best thing that ever happened to me as far as my training is concerned.  She's straightforward and tells you what you need to do in every aspect as far as nutrition, training, and supplementation. All you need to know to succeed, you just have to implement her instructions and do the work. For me that is what I needed, so I followed Emilija’s instructions to the letter. I did my cardio outside mostly, which she was okay with. I followed My Fitness Pal and used the macros that she gave me. I did her workouts, although some of them nearly killed me, and we didn’t have some of the equipment I needed in my gym, so I modified it. I worked as hard as I possibly could. I couldn’t have been any happier with the results that I received from my six months of training with Emilija.

    I got to the stage on March 25, 2023. Emilija helped me prepare in the days leading up to the show, she was there when I got on stage, she even drove me back to my hotel from the show. She was there in the audience when I went on, and she supported me the whole way. I thank my lucky stars the day she took me on because she changed the way I think about myself, my workouts, my mindset, and my diet. She was just what I needed. Emilija doesn’t tell you that you’re doing great if you’re not. She tells you what you need to do, and what you need to hear, and when you do a good job, she lets you know.

    I’m staying with Emilija even though my competition is over. I managed to get two silvers and a bronze in this last competition. I think she noticed that I was a little bit down that I didn’t get a first place, but she said I’m proud of you, and when you see your pictures from start to finish, you will realize how far you have come. And that was what I needed to hear. So if you’re looking for a coach that’s going to take you where you want to go, someone that has all the knowledge that you will ever need, and if you’re willing to put in the work, then Emilija is the coach for you because she knows her stuff and she will get you there. She’s there if you need anything whatsoever. She’s there to answer your questions, she’s there to help you if you’re feeling down, or if you’re feeling up, and she’s there to celebrate with you when you achieve your goals. 

    Thank you Emilija and I look forward to working with you again in the future."

  • Haylee Pinard

    "I recently had the privilege of working with Emilija as my bodybuilding coach, and I can confidently say that she is nothing short of amazing. From the moment I started my prep and dieting journey with her, she made the whole thing as enjoyable as it could be for a teenager still trying to enjoy life! Her vast knowledge of bodybuilding, nutrition, and training techniques is truly impressive. Whether it was creating a personalized meal plan or designing a training routine, Emijia's attention to detail was exceptional. One of the aspects that truly stood out to me was her ability to make the entire prep and dieting experience enjoyable. She understood that bodybuilding is not just about physical transformation but also a mental and emotional journey. Emijia consistently provided the support, motivation, and encouragement needed to stay focused and determined throughout the process. In conclusion, Emijia is an exceptional bodybuilding coach who goes above and beyond to ensure her clients' success. Her expertise, passion, and creativity made the entire prep and dieting process enjoyable and rewarding. If you're looking for a coach who will not only guide you towards your bodybuilding goals but also make the journey a memorable one, I wholeheartedly recommend Emijia. She is truly one of a kind:)"


Schedule your first training session with Em today.